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Physical Education

Physical Education is an important part of each student's educational program. Various activities will provide for physical and mental development as well as social-personal interactions and moral ethical comprehension.

The outcomes of a quality physical education program is a physically educated person who:

  • Has learned skills necessary to perform a variety of physical activities.
  • Is physically fit.
  • Does participate regularly in physical activity.
  • Knows the implications of and the benefits from involvement in physical activities.
  • Values physical activity and it’s contributions to a healthful lifestyle.

The Health Department of Notre Dame High School is designed to provide health-related information facing today's society with emphasis placed on promoting beneficial health practices that could add years to their lives and influence students to take positive actions about their well-being.

George Black


Kelly Darcey


Ann DeMille

Assistant Athletic Director

Mark Stephan

Department Chair Phys Ed./Faculty Mathematics

James Treacy
