What is the 10-Week Booster Club Raffle? How does it work?
Ten-Week Club Friends of the Irish Booster Raffle runs from September to December. Each week starting September 16 for 10 weeks, the Athletic Director will pull a ticket and the winner will receive a $500 American Express Gift Card.
Friends of the Irish Booster Raffle supports capital athletic facilities and program needs as determined by the Athletic Director.
The athletic director will discuss the various athletic capital needs with the booster committee and receive recommendations from the Committee.
This program does not follow the disbursement formula. However, support from the individual teams is paramount for its success.
Each Booster team must fully support the Friends of the Irish Booster raffle and ask friends and family to support these efforts.
Do I need to support the 10-Week Club Booster Raffle?
We highly encourage each parent in every sport to purchase or sell a minimum of 5 tickets at $50.00 to support the Booster raffle. All proceeds support the general Friends of Irish Booster Club for athletic capital improvements.
Do teams need a permit to run a 50/50?
Each team will need a permit for the three 50/50 raffles scheduled. The athletic director or a designee must file all proper licensing, reporting, and fees with Lawrence Township. The winner will receive 50% of the money raised, and the remaining 50% will follow the distribution formula.
View/Download Guide and Application
Is field signage first come, first served?
Yes, signage is sold and placed on fields based on availability. There are ample signs available for purchase on a number of fields. If you are interested in selling a sign, please download this form or contact Elena Caccavale@ndnj.org.
Can I sell signage on the Nolan Stadium if I don’t play football?
Yes, athletics and booster club participants can sell signage for any field.
Can my team have a bake sale to raise money?
Teams are not permitted to hold any additional fundraisers such as Super Bowl pools, bake sales, flower sales, t-shirt sales, etc.