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Girls and boys are standing in a line outside, smiling.
RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.

What is RCIA?

RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. As a Catholic faith community, Notre Dame has been blessed to be able to provide sacramental prep for our students wishing to receive Baptism, Holy Communion or Confirmation. Preparation for the Sacraments occurs throughout the school year at a time that works best for the students. Celebration of the Sacraments takes place at Notre Dame's Easter Liturgy during Holy Week.

Who May Attend RCIA?

  • A student who was never baptized, but has been thinking about entering the Catholic Church

  • A student who was baptized in a faith tradition other than the Catholic Church, but have been thinking about becoming Catholic

  • A student who was baptized in the Catholic Church, but never received First Holy Communion or Confirmation

If you would like to find out more about the RCIA process, contact Mrs.Corgan