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Podcasts and Broadcast News


Another 60-Second Rundown with Host Alyssa Fleurant

Listen as Alyssa gives us a snapshot of what makes GenZ unique. 

Women's History Month Podcast Series

Episode 1: An Interview with Principal Ms. Michele Martinez and Host Maddie McDermott '24

In honor of National Women’s History Month, The Voice has created a podcast series to highlight some of the strong women we are fortunate to have as our role models and leaders.

In Episode 1 of the series, senior Maddie McDermott interviews newly appointed Notre Dame High School Principal Ms. Michele Martinez. Listen as Ms. Martinez talks about her background in special education, the love and joy she has experienced in raising her four daughters, and her excitement for the future of ND.

Episode 2: Mrs. Tracey Reed with Host Maddy Reda

In Episode 2 of our series for National Women's History Month senior Maddy Reda interviews Mrs. Tracey Reed, Assistant Administrator for Catholic Mission. Mrs. Reed explains how she was called to serve the church and looks back on how her life experiences help her teach and guide ND students. 

Episode 3: Mrs. Cynthia Sabogal with Host Simone Johnson

In Episode 3 of our series for National Women's History Month senior Simone Johnson sits down with Spanish teacher, Mrs. Cynthia Sabogal. Listen as Mrs. Sabogal tells Simone about her unique experience, the obstacles and successes, as a first-generation minority woman in America.

Episode 4: Mrs. Maureen Jones with Host Heather Jones

In Episode 4 of our series for National Women's History Month senior Heather Jones has a heart-to-heart conversation with her mother, Maureen Jones, about motherhood, the advice she'd give to her teenage self, and relying on her faith to overcome life's obstacles. 

Episode 5: Mrs. Jennifer Hwang with Host Abigail Hwang

In Episode 5 of our series for National Women's History Month senior Abigail Hwang sits down for a conversation with her mother about what it was like to grow up in Korea and leave for the United States by herself at the age of 20.

Episode 6: Mrs. Ann DeMille with Host Violet Williamson

In Episode 6 of our series for National Women's History Month senior Violet Williamson speaks to Mrs. Ann DeMille, Assistant Athletic Director and Physical Education teacher about Mrs. DeMille's respect for the strong female role models she has had and the opportunities for young women today.


Archived News



The Sound Wave: "Punisher" by Phoebe Bridgers (Review)

Back for a second episode, Violet Williamson '24 and Carter Hillsdon '25 of ND's music podcast, The Sound Wave, discuss recent music news and offer an in-depth review of the album "Punisher" by Phoebe Bridgers. 

The Sound Wave: First Episode

Check out ND's newest podcast, The Sound Wave, hosted by Violet Williamson '24 and Carter Hillsdon '25. In this inaugural episode, they discuss recent music news and talk about their favorite albums.

Bracket Breakdown: Episode 1 - Host Carter Hillsdon '25

Topic: Princeton University Men's Basketball

Bracket Breakdown: Episode 2 - Host Brendan Buecker '23

Topic: University of Connecticut Men's Basketball

Bracket Breakdown: Episode 3 - Host Donovan Cottrell '23

Topic: University of Miami Men's Basketball

Music Men: Episode 1 with Host Justin Pollard '23

Topic: Ghostwriting in the Music Industry

Music Men: Episode 2 with Host Mason Kloc '23

Topic: Top 10 Artists

The Mismatch: NFL Podcast with Host Ethan Hellyer '24

Topic: Best QB, WR, and RB

Broadcast News

Unity Broadcast by Heather Jones '24, Violet Williamson '24, and Lexi Brown '24

Where is Frank Ocean? by Mason Kloc '23

Feature: Senior Jessie Tesi by Issy Timberlake '23 and Charlie Jones '24

Feature: The People's Princess - Lady Diana by Olivia Gasparro '23

Feature: Isaiah Pacheco by Donovan Cottrell '23

NBA Finals Preview by Sonny Durkin '24