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Visual Arts

Ceramic pottery.
A girl is hanging paintings on the wall.

The Visual Arts at Notre Dame are a multi-disciplinary experience that include drawing, painting, graphic design, ceramics and film. Courses facilitate learning for students of any ability, beginner to advanced, and students are met at their individual skill level. The curriculum is designed to not only develop students creatively; coursework in the Visual Arts challenge their critical thinking abilities, and engage students in themes and learning that are relevant to 21st century life. For students aspiring to find a career in the arts, the Notre Dame Visual Arts has helped aspiring artists, architects, designers, illustrators, educators and film makers continue on to higher education at schools such as Parsons School of Design, Pratt, Tyler at Temple University, TCNJ, Moore College of Art, RISD, Penn State, Virginia Commonwealth University, FIT, RIT, and many more.

Visual Arts Courses Include:

  • 2D Arts: Art 1, Art 2, Art 3 Honors, AP Studio Art (Drawing and 2D Design), Illustration, Graphic Design, Film
  • 3D Arts: Ceramics, Advanced Ceramics, 3D Fundamentals

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